Ok! Hello! It's 2025 and we’re in February with the realization of my 2025 dream - more new bands putting out new releases! We;’ve got ourselves a live one! Now, I know a select few of you *might* know a lil ol band called SABELLA - well what if I told you that after doing Dog Daze, Nick and I really got to thinking about what a great next move would be. Well, he ended up telling me about a EP that he had squirreled away in his back pocket, and after a bit of back and forth here we are. I’m so incredibly proud to present LILA - the next chapter in the sabella cinematic universe! Ah!
I promise I’m not going to talk about sabella TOO much, but I do think it serves as a crucial jumping off point, and like, gives a lot of context and anchors this release. Liek without sabella, this could still exist but it would make a lot less sense. It’s the WV extension of “I’ll do a new project, but you have to have done a cool old project first.”. Very high barrier to entry! Nick did it - sabella was something that wa son my list forever, and now I get to see the realization of that dream here with LILA.
As you can tell after 100 releases here, a huge part of my musical identity was the scene between 2011 and like 2015 on Facebook, before deathcore turned to djent. True FB Downtempo a la Yuth, sabella, traitors, etc was really such a fun little misrocasm on the internet and really set up a bunch of talented people to sequester back in to modern music. Like, every band that rock right now wasn’t;t making screams in the 1990s - they were making downtempo in 2011. Such an important scene that it actually launched the first foray in to downtempo revivalism here with HARM.icu. It’s important to me to keep that flame burning, so when something even TOUCHES on the boundary of that type of aesthetic and sound, I’m all in. And here is LILA.
Art was once again handled by Amy Dury, who you might remember from the KOASD art! Nick had a collection of incredibly personal photos from his childhood, so it was a really project to capture this vibe on this EP through the lens of what Amy does with paint. Just really delicate and gives it this kind of quaint and delicate I hate to keep calling downtempo screamo but like, if it walks liek a duck! The way this has been presented is so intentional. I think the album art if the first layer of information on how you should approach this material tbh.
Logo was done by Lab.13, as was the layout. Big gatefold insert in here. Just packed with tons of content and photos. Big paintings by Amy throughout.
In short, this is an incredibly earnest record that couldn’t;t be presented in any other way. FFO sabella but with no folk-y parts. FFO harrowing lyricism and feedback drenched walls of bass.